Sunday, November 20, 2005

Thank You!

The results are in and I just wanted to send a quick thank you to everyone for their support and encouragement! I am so thrilled and honoured to have been elected to Kelowna City Council. This will be such an exciting three years and I look forward to moving Kelowna forward to a healthier and greener community!
Congratulations also to all the other candidates - everyone ran a good race and I hope that you will all stay involved in making Kelowna a better place. It's been a pleasure getting to know all of you.

Thanks again, everyone!


Friday, November 18, 2005

Voting Day Tomorrow

I've been receiving an overwhelming number of e-mails and phone calls of support these past few days and I just wanted to thank everyone - it means so much to me! Whatever happens tomorrow night, it has been a wonderful experience getting to know so many of you. I am committed to this community and will always strive to make it a better place for all of us and for future generations!

Please remember to go out and vote tomorrow! Remind your friends to vote as well. If you, or someone you know, needs a ride to the polls, please call me at 762-3749.

Thanks again, and I'll put up a post tomorrow night with the results.



Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Glenmore Valley Community Association Questionnaire

Here are my answers to the Glenmore Valley Community Association Questionnaire. You can read all the responses at the GVCA website.

1. What are you prepared to do, and what changes would you make, to empower and support the various residents associations.

I am a member of the GVCA and see the value in residents associations. The first step would be to provide each residents association with a small yearly grant for communication purposes i.e. newsletters, print ads, to help them build their memberships. Next would be to provide meeting space if possible. Thirdly, I would attend residents associations meetings throughout the city on a regular basis.

2. What is your timeline for the following road projects: the four-laning of Glenmore Road up to the Scenic intersection (Corbin's Store), a connection from Glenmore Road to UBC-O, a connection from Glenmore Road to Highway 97, and the completion of the Okanagan Bypass from Cerise to Highway 97.

The Glenmore Bypass is scheduled for 2010. With expansion of UBC-O the timeline should be moved up. I would like a bicycle/transit only route between Glenmore and UBC-O. There is a connection planned between Glenmore Rd and Hwy 97 north of the Landfill for before 2012. The Okanagan Bypass to Spall should be completed in 2006. We may need to extend this road east to Hwy33/97 before 2010.

3. Given the tremendous population growth in the Glenmore Valley, what is your timeline for the creation of a parks and recreation plan.

The parks department has been tasked with updating the plan for Glenmore Valley in 2006. I would expect that plan to take into account new development in the valley and include a community centre. Parkland acquisition is a priority. I am pleased with the city's purchase of parkland adjacent to the new Dr. Knox site.

Monday, November 14, 2005 Candidate Profiles

Public Service Announcement:
Kelowna Municipal Candidates Videoprofiles available now on

For immediate release. November 9, 2005:

Residents of Kelowna now have the opportunity to watch in-depth interviews with most of the candidates for Mayor and City Council via online video. This FREE public service is available to those with high-speed internet access. Go to – the Okanagan’s first web-based ‘television’ station. The interviews reveal the ideologies and assets of each of the candidates.

“We live in an ‘On-Demand’ world where we know what we want, when we want and how we want it delivered. Web-television gives us control and choice,” says Humberto Morales President and CEO of "We are pleased to be a part of delivering information of relevance to the local community."

Canada is the third largest adopter of broadband technologies and OKBC.TV is pioneering On-line, On-demand Community Broadcasting. We have started our first operation in Canada’s Okanagan Valley and plan to create or help create other operations across this continent and Europe. OCBC Inc. is the umbrella corporation under which OKBC.TV operates as the first community, WEB based television starting with 12 categories relevant to the Okanagan. OKBC.TV delivers focused entertainment and information in a user-friendly, visually-stimulating environment using the latest video and cross media technologies.

For more information on OKBC.TV, or suggestions on new articles, you can contact them @

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Rule on Dumpsters

If anyone needed convincing that the Downtown Kelowna Association's plan to remove dumpsters from the downtown core was a good one, then tonight's events should do the trick.

My husband, Stan, and I were headed downtown for a sneak preview at Sheffield's Gourmet Coffee on Queensway at Pandosy around 7 pm when we saw and smelt smoke. There was a dumpster fire in alleyway off Pandosy! Firemen were on the scene within minutes. Then, less than 30 minutes later, smoke again, this time in the back alley closer to the Lawrence and Pandosy intersection. Again, firemen arrived and doused the flames.

Removing dumpsters will clean up our downtown alleyways. Nasty odours will be gone and there will be no easy targets for graffiti. Hiding places will also be gone, and there will be no "dumpster diving". Plus, there will be more recycling! This is a measure that must be expedited and I will do everything I can to make this happen for our downtown.

Friday, November 11, 2005

We Will Not Forget Them - A Remembrance Day Poem by Justin Rule

We Will Not Forget Them

Remembrance Day comes once a year,
A memorial where we can remember …

The men and women that gave their lives for peace
Our thought for the dead stay quietly in our minds
As they lay under the poppies

We will not forget them

At ceremonies across our nation
We honour our veterans
We will not forget the important lessons we learned

We will not forget them

The silence ends two minutes past
The eleventh hour
When our leaders signed a treaty for a peaceful world

They are not forgotten

Lord, we have one thing to say,
Let the countries of our world understand
What a wreath means.

By Justin Rule

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Rule on the Simpson Covenant

Thank you to everyone who attended last evening's Chamber of Commerce/Downtown Kelowna Association All-Candidates Forum.

I was fortunate to receive a question in regard to the proposed Lawson's Landing development.

While I am in favour of redevelopment in the downtown, including the mixed use, density and height allowable under the C7 zoning, I favour the stepped back approach recommended in the downtown sector plan. I know that this plan allows for a "landmark" development near the foot of Bernard, but this should not occur at the expense of public space that was dedicated to the citizens of Kelowna so many years ago. Nor should any of the precious green space downtown be given up - this will be the one saving grace for the downtown in years to come.

As far as Lawson's Landing is concerned, I believe the project is not right for that particular part of downtown. It would saturate the need for retail and residential space, creating a deterrent to redevelopment in other parts of the downtown core.

Saturday, November 05, 2005

Earth Care Society All Candidates questionnaire

The Earth Care Society sent out the following questionnaire to all the candidates. Here are my responses.

1. Do you support the ban on the use of cosmetic pesticides like Roundup, and 2-4,D in the city of Kelowna?

2. Numerous communities across the country have implemented bylaws that restrict or ban the use of cosmetic pesticides on public and private land. Would you support a bylaw like this in the City of Kelowna?
Yes. More than 60 communities across Canada have implemented by-laws banning the use of cosmetic pesticides, and the Supreme Court has upheld the ability of municipalities to enact such by-laws. To be successful, the City would also need to undertake an education program about alternatives to chemical pesticides, perhaps in partnership with the the local Health Authority.

3. Do you support manual methods of controlling weeds on sidewalks and roadsides instead of using pesticides?

4. The Province of B.C has broken its promise to implement the agreed on Okanagan Shuswap land Resource Management Plan. Many of the parks created in the plan have not been moved to class A status and remain Protected Areas. Will you lobby the provincial government to implement the plan and move our parks to class A?
Yes. Part of city council's role is to lobby on behalf of its citizens in front of other levels of government. I will begin by contacting the LRMP Implementation Committee to determine the status of the Ok Shuswap LRMP (it seems no official update has been given since 2001) and then bring the matter before my council colleagues and ask them to send an official request to the appropriate provincial minister.

5. Do you agree with the establishment of a National Park in the South Okanagan that includes Okanagan Mountain Park as part of the National Park?
I am totally in favour of a National Park for the South Okanagan and at the very least would want it to abut the boundaries of the Okanagan Mountain Park, which is currently a provincial park, in order to protect our shared watershed and wildlife corridors. Furthermore, if the boundaries could be extended to include Okanagan Mountain Park (not currently in the plan, but something we could ask for) this would have a tremendous impact on eco-tourism for the Kelowna area.

6. How would you as a councilor work to increase the amount of Parks in the city of Kelowna?
Parks and green space protection are a priority for me. A first step is the completion of the 20 year Parks and Recreation Master Plan which will set direction for parks and green space acquisition.

7. Do you support the Lawson landing project on the foreshore of Kelowna's downtown area?
No. We must preserve public access to this area for future generations. I do support the redevelopment and densification of the downtown core, in a stepped back manner from the waterfront.

8. What would you do to improve water quality in Kelowna?
At the local level, we need to complete key infrastructure projects related to water quality such as the North Rutland Sewer and UV Water Protection, as well as develop an Environmental Management System for our works and utilities department. I am interested in amalgamating the 5 water authorities within the municipal boundaries in order to develop cooperative water management strategies and to promote efficient water use. Regionally I support a watershed-wide coalition to ensure the long-term health of our water supply.

9. What would you do to improve air quality in the valley?
Coordinated effort from all stakeholders is the key to improving air quality in the valley. Built environment planning (land use and transportation) must integrate air quality goals. I support the initiatives of the Central Okanagan Regional Air Quality Program.

10. What type of growth do you feel is appropriate, and how is it sustainable?
Sustainable development is development that will maintain both human and natural systems well into the future. Decisions regarding appropriate development for Kelowna should be made in consideration of environmental, social health, and economic factors, as well as the ability of existing infrastructure to handle the growth.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

UBC-O Campus Paper "The Phoenix" Question

I received this question from the Phoenix the other day ...

What will you do to improve transportation to UBC O?

I will immediately begin work on the following: Bus Rapid Transit (trial period to begin January 2006), Rails with Trails Bicycle Paths, link from North Glenmore to UBC-O and an overpass on Highway 97 at University Rd.

And, if you could spend one day at the waterslides with someone famous (dead or alive),
who would it be?

Margaret Mead