Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Glenmore Valley Community Association Questionnaire

Here are my answers to the Glenmore Valley Community Association Questionnaire. You can read all the responses at the GVCA website.

1. What are you prepared to do, and what changes would you make, to empower and support the various residents associations.

I am a member of the GVCA and see the value in residents associations. The first step would be to provide each residents association with a small yearly grant for communication purposes i.e. newsletters, print ads, to help them build their memberships. Next would be to provide meeting space if possible. Thirdly, I would attend residents associations meetings throughout the city on a regular basis.

2. What is your timeline for the following road projects: the four-laning of Glenmore Road up to the Scenic intersection (Corbin's Store), a connection from Glenmore Road to UBC-O, a connection from Glenmore Road to Highway 97, and the completion of the Okanagan Bypass from Cerise to Highway 97.

The Glenmore Bypass is scheduled for 2010. With expansion of UBC-O the timeline should be moved up. I would like a bicycle/transit only route between Glenmore and UBC-O. There is a connection planned between Glenmore Rd and Hwy 97 north of the Landfill for before 2012. The Okanagan Bypass to Spall should be completed in 2006. We may need to extend this road east to Hwy33/97 before 2010.

3. Given the tremendous population growth in the Glenmore Valley, what is your timeline for the creation of a parks and recreation plan.

The parks department has been tasked with updating the plan for Glenmore Valley in 2006. I would expect that plan to take into account new development in the valley and include a community centre. Parkland acquisition is a priority. I am pleased with the city's purchase of parkland adjacent to the new Dr. Knox site.


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