Okanagan Mission Residents Association Endorsement
I would like to thank the members of the Okanagan Mission Residents Association for their support of my bid for city council.
I recognize that there are differences of opinion about the roles of residents associations and whether or not residents associations should endorse particular candidates. I am secretary for the Glenmore Valley Community Association, which decided not to endorse any candidates. The decision to endorse or not is up to each individual association and its members.
As someone running for council I don’t feel it is appropriate for me to tell the residents associations what they should or should not do.
I stress that I am running as an independent and not as part of a slate or party. If elected I will base my decisions on the merits of each proposal or policy and how it benefits Kelowna as a whole.
The final decision about who will serve on the next city council is up to each individual resident of Kelowna. I urge everyone to educate themselves on the policies of each candidate and to please vote.
For my answers to the OKanagan Mission Residents Association questions, please see my post here.
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