Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Kelowna Chamber of Commerce Questions

The Kelowna Chamber of Commerce has given each council candidate a series of questions to anwers. Below please find their questions and my answers. There will be a public forum co-hosted by the Chamber and the Downtown Kelowna Association on Novmber 9th, 6:30 pm at the Kelowna Community Theatre.

1.) What are your views regarding the role of City Council in maintaining the level of economic growth currently experienced in the city?

Economic growth is dependant on customers. The City plays a key role in getting customers to the businesses through transportation, by ensuring business and commercial districts are clean and safe, and by beautification of city owned property and streetscapes. The local permitting process is currently rated average to good by 54% of business owners, but 39% still view it as poor to fair. Mixed use zoning provides businesses with built-in customers and employees.

2.) The tourism industry continues to be a major employment sector in Kelowna. What role do you believe that City Council should play in enhancing this sector?

The City should continue to support Tourism Kelowna and the Cultural Corridor Project. A survey of civic properties such as the Kelowna Museum and the Kelowna Art Gallery needs to be done for long-term capital requirements. A strategic plan needs to be completed for the Kelowna Arts Foundation and for the Cultural Services Division, as well as the master plan for Parks and Recreation.

3.) The Kelowna Chamber of Commerce has requested that the City of Kelowna take a leadership role to coordinate the resources (financial and human resources) on such social issues as drug abuse and homelessness. What are your views toward this request?

The City should no more be involved in telling social agencies how to manage their financial and human resources that they should be in telling business how to manage theirs. What the City can do is provide support in the same way they do for business through the DKA – by contributing funding for an independent ”Social Planning Council.”

4.) Construction of the new Bennett Bridge will address the current transportation needs on Highway 97. What are your views toward addressing future traffic needs in Kelowna as the city (and region) continue to grow?

Alternative transportation concepts need to be explored now in order to begin land acquisition for future projects. A traffic and cost-effectiveness study of the different options, including the elevated highway, the second crossing and the by-pass should be done within the next two years. The bus transit system must be improved to become viable through the addition of on-demand buses and Bus Rapid Transit and development should be focused on the town-centre concept as outlined in the Official Community Plan.


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