Okanagan Mission Residents Association Forum
The Okanagan Mission Residents Association is planning an all-candidates forum for October 25th, 7:00 pm at the Lutheran Church on Lakeshore Road. In preparation for this, they sent each candidate a series of questions. They plan to distribute the answers to their members at the forum. These are the questions and my answers!
Quality of life for residents of Kelowna:
1. What is the most important thing you wish to address in your first year as a member of council? Please explain the actions you would take to accomplish this goal?
While I have number of goals for my time as councillor, my first priority will be the creation of a Social Planning Council that is all-encompassing, pro-active and at arms-length from City Hall so as to allow for lobbying of municipal and other levels of government. A part-time resource person could be funded by the City to ensure the success of the structure of the council. This has been done very successfully in other B.C. Communities including Kamloops and Prince George.
In-camera discussions:
2. Should all City Council discussions be made public except those concerning staff relations and salary, budget matters and proprietary business information? Please state your reasons.
Council discussions should be as transparent as possible within the limits of human rights and privacy legislation. This allows for communication and accountability.
Official Community Plan:
3. Do you think that the OCP should be binding upon City Council? Please state your reasons.
No. The OCP is a living document which provides a framework for planning and an opportunity to provide a future vision for our community. It is only as accurate and forward thinking as the authors were able to provide at the time and therefore must have flexibility to address unforeseen events and innovations.
Recognizing the distinctiveness of communities:
4. Do you believe that communities such as Glenmore, Rutland and Okanagan Mission must have greater autonomy to develop as historic and distinct communities? Please state your reasons.
No. While each community within Kelowna is unique and should celebrate that uniqueness, they are part of a larger whole. City Council's responsibility is to look at planning that will benefit and enhance the entire city.
5. Do you support the amalgamation of Kelowna and Westbank?
My personal feeling is that an amalgamation would prove beneficial to both communities. I look forward to the completion of the Westside Governance Study which will either bear that out or give me cause to reconsider my position.
Ward system:
6. Do you think that a ward system would better serve Kelowna’s growing population? Please state your reasons.
No. Kelowna is not yet large enough for a ward system to be beneficial.
Sustainable development:
7. Should environmental factors such as adequate local water supply, air quality and waste management limit the growth of the City of Kelowna? What do you see as its maximum desirable population? Please explain.
Development should be viewed through the lens of environmental, social health, and economic factors, as well as the ability for existing infrastructure to handle the growth. How we manage growth and its impact on these three factors will determine people's desire to live here.
Advocate for Community Groups:
8. Should the City of Kelowna provide an independent public advocate to assist community groups in making informed submissions to council regarding changes to the OCP or zoning? Please state your reasons.
The City of Kelowna already provides a staff person to aid community groups and while more time should be allocated to this, an independent public advocate is neither necessary or desirable. I would recommend a "Planning 101" course hosted by the City for interested persons.
I am pleased to see Robert Hobson and Barrie Clark have their names dropped from your "exclusive" list of names for the election 2005.
I will be sure TO NOT VOTE for any name on your list
Dear Anonymous,
Thank you for your comment.
For clarification, the OMRA list is not "my" list. I am not a member of OMRA - I live in North Glenmore. I am not endorsing any of the other candidates on that list - OMRA is.
Dear Michelle,
Great web-site. I read your bio and am pleased to know that you have lived in Kelowna for many years. I also noticed that you have travelled abroad and have lived in Victoria. That's great. It is important that council members travel to other countries; and communities within Canada to have a broader perspective on city development. If elected I would encourage all members to get ideas from other communities. I think when people travel they get fresh ideas and can transpose those ideas to our community; and make Kelowna an even better place to live. I would suggest taking a trip to Vancouver Island and get ideas from communities there. e.g. Courtney, Sidney (my home town) Nanaimo. These are just examples but all of these communities have developed beautifully with a clear direction.
Thank you for you comments. I totally agree with you. We should look to other communities for inspiration and ideas. No need to reinvent the wheel everytime.
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