31st Annual Civic and Community Awards
The 31st Annual Civic & Community Awards are now accepting nominations. For more information or to download a nomination form, go to www.kelowna.ca, then click on “residents” then “community info”. Nomination forms can also be picked up at the United Way, Parkinson Recreation Centre, Kelowna Community Resources, and City Hall.
This is a fantastic way to honour one of your board members, or other members of your association who have contributed this past year! Please also be aware of the youth category, which honours and encourages our next generation of leaders in community spirit.
Below is a brief article on writing award winning nominations that may be helpful.
Writing Award Winning Nominations
By Mary Merrill, L.S.W.
Nominators play a critical role in the nominating process. Whether you are nominating a volunteer or a manager of volunteers, the following tips can help you write an award winning nomination.
1. Read the nominating form very carefully. Be sure you adequately answer all the questions. It is especially sad to see a candidate eliminated because critical, required information has been overlooked or omitted.
2. Always remember that the judges are reading multiple nominations and are looking carefully for specific information. Too much information can be as harmful as too little information. Don't force the judge to hunt for information. Be direct. Support what you have to say with observation and fact.
3. Talk to your nominee. Most people are flattered to be nominated. Ask them the questions and listen for information you can use to support your own thoughts and ideas. Call people that work for and with the nominee. Gather as much information as possible. Be accurate. Give specific examples to reinforce what you are saying.
4. Organize your thoughts carefully and follow the nominating form. Personalize. Focus on key questions on the nomination form: detail accomplishments and their impact; describe leadership abilities; and, describe how the nominee has made a difference in the community through and with volunteerism. Share what stands out. What makes this person outstanding? How have these accomplishments had an impact? Create a unique picture of your applicant.
5. Describe unique characteristics that are more than just what a great or nice person this nominee is. Choose one or two qualities that make this person truly outstanding and then give specific examples. Share personal skills such as listening, teambuilding, collaboration, creativity, and professionalism.
6. If you are nominating a volunteer manager for excellence in the profession, this is your chance to state how this colleague performs his/her work in a manner that exemplifies all that we value. Why should this person be held up as an example for all of us? Years of service, being a nice, caring person or always being willing to help are not in themselves outstanding. These characteristics should be one part of a bigger picture of someone who exemplifies excellence. Share how your nominee reflects core values and beliefs regarding volunteerism. How does the nominee foster excellence and leadership development in others? Ask your nominee to talk about their personal philosophy of volunteerism and give examples of how they live this out.